Before anyone sends me hate mail, let me start off by saying that I am super biased in my hatred towards Cassandra Clare's writing. I was active in the Harry Potter fandom back in the day when Cassie was stealing other people's work and being utterly horrible to people. She was a typical fandom bully. So I went into this series already not liking the author as a person. I tried to set aside my distaste for her and tried to focus on the writing and the story. Both were crap. The writing more so. I've never seen more errors in my entire life. Where was the editor? Who knows. The writing was so bad, the dialogue so cheesy and cliche, that I actually found the the first book hilarious enough to continue with the series. They are super tough to get through because they're just so frustratingly bad, but I do plan on working my way through the entire series. I do love Simon as a character, as well as Magnus, and I hate that they have to be written by someone who won't treat them the way they should be treated. Also I hate Jace with a passion, so there's that.
This was my only one star book this year. I hate giving one star to any books, but please so believe this one deserved it. As I have alluded to in the past, this book literally made me sick. It was so frustrating that someone would have these thoughts and then write them done and publish them, that it got me so angry,made my stomach all knotty and actually gave me diarrhea. It is an entire memoir of Hilary (who has written for some of my favorite tv shows) whining about her past relationships. I don't like to use the word 'whining' to talk about women writing about their lives, but I don't quite have another word for it. She wrote this book because her ex-boyfriend wrote a book whining about HIS past relationships (but called it fiction) and she thought she should get a chance to get back at him. Most of these chapters have to do with her taking really sad baths and eating at Olive Garden (where mostly sad things happen). She seems to think and insist that she can only be happy when she has a boyfriend whom she devotes all of her time thinking about and having sex with. Her ideas about what a healthy relationship are is so twisted and upsetting to me. I picked this up because I had pervious read and loved Let's Pretend This Never Happened by The Blogess and wanted another funny memoir by a funny woman. Jenny's book was so well written, flowed so well and actually led up to her learning from her past experiences. Hilary's was nothing like that at all. I have nothing against Hilary and will continue to enjoy the shows she writes for, but I may have to burn this book instead of donating or selling it so no one else will read it.