Sunday, May 11, 2014

Bout of Books 10.0 TBR + Goals

Goal Books (aka books I'm definitely going to read! It'll be a success if I read all of these!):
Books I Plan to Read After my Goal Books:
With all of them written out like that, it looks like A LOT. Like, I won't get through those in three months let alone a week. However, I need to keep in mind that only 2 of my goal books are actual novels, with 6 actual novels in total with 2 of THOSE being middle grade. There isn't any dense fiction here unless you count what I have left to read of Cat's Cradle tonight. I just want to get all of these little books outta my TBR list on Goodreads so this summer can be The Summer of the Scary, Big books.

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1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your goals! I liked Ella Enchanted and Persepolis, which are the only two I have read on your list. You have a good mix of books!
