Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Bout of Books 11.0 Goals

So remember when I said I was going to do a laid back version of Bout of Books? This is what I meant: I want to read 7 books this week. Doesn't sound too relaxed to you? Keep in mind that last Bout of Books I read 10 books. But here's the catch, I'm totally counting graphic novels and novellas as books. I went to the library yesterday and stocked up on graphic novels, I'm ready to go.

Also, I totally don't care which 7 books I read. No official TBR this round! Yeah I rocked my TBR last time, but we're all about trying new things over here at FangirlFlails. Seriously, have you checked out my channel recently? New things! I mean I have a pile of books that I want to get to this month, but I'm not gonna like punish myself if I don't get through them. I have a phone full of novellas I want to read, and like 6 graphic novels checked out from the library. I'll read whatever I feel like reading that day.

I do want to do daily update posts, as well as doing the rest of the challenges. Updates posts will go up the next day this time around, seeing as my sleep schedule is back on a less nocturnal track.

So, that's happening.

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